
Questo può essere causato da vari motivi. Innanzitutto, assicurati che il router sia correttamente collegato alla tua fonte Internet, come un modem. In secondo luogo, verifica le impostazioni di rete del router per assicurarti che non ci siano configurazioni errate, come le impostazioni DNS o l'indirizzo del gateway. Se tutto è corretto, prova a riavviare sia il router che il modem, a volte questo può risolvere i problemi di connessione. Se il problema persiste, potrebbe essere un problema con il servizio ISP o un malfunzionamento del router stesso.

2024-04-23 17:40:06 tag: Router

Perché il router Rudy mi dà il segnale sul Wi-Fi e non su Internet?

2024-04-21 18:40:06 tag: Router


2024-04-19 08:32:57 tag: Artikel


2024-04-18 14:50:42 tag: Router

Gimana caranya ganti password wifi

2024-04-18 00:13:53 tag: Artikel

안녕하세요! 답변해 드릴 수 있어서 기쁩니다. 우선, MAC 주소는 컴퓨터, 휴대 전화 등의 단말기의 식별자로, 고정되어 있고 유일합니다. 그러나 MAC 주소는 주로 네트워크 카드를 식별하는 데 사용되며 위치를 파악하는 기능은 없습니다. MAC 주소는 로컬 네트워크에서만 유효하며 장치의 실제 지리적 위치를 드러내지 않습니다. 따라서 MAC 주소만으로는 iPhone의 위치를 직접 추적할 수 없습니다. 또한, 웹사이트 방문 기록을 확인하는 것에 관해서는 MAC 주소 자체에 해당 정보가 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 웹사이트 방문 기록은 일반적으로 장치 자체나 관련 서비스 제공업체에 저장되며 MAC 주소와 직접적으로 연결되지 않습니다. 그러므로 MAC 주소만으로 iPhone의 웹사이트 방문 기록을 직접 확인할 수 없습니다. 당국이 합법적인 권한과 이유를 가지고 있고 관련 법률을 준수한다면, 장치의 위치를 추적하거나 웹사이트 방문 기록을 얻기 위해 다른 기술과 도구를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이러한 기술은 장치 서비스 제공업체와 협력하여 장치의 IP 주소 등 관련 정보를 얻어 추적이나 데이터 분석을 수행할 수 있습니다.

2024-04-16 14:08:26 tag: Artikel

To perform a factory reset on your TP-Link Archer C20 router, especially if you've already attempted to access it using the default login credentials and were unsuccessful, follow these steps. This method uses the hardware reset button found on the device, which is a standard method for many routers, including TP-Link models. Steps to Factory Reset TP-Link Archer C20 Router 1. Locate the Reset Button: - Find the reset button on the router. For the Archer C20, the reset button is typically located on the back of the router. It may be recessed within a small hole to prevent accidental resets. 2. Use a Paperclip or Similar Tool: - Since the reset button is usually recessed, you’ll need a thin and pointed object like a paperclip to press it. Straighten the paperclip to use it for pressing the button. 3. Press and Hold the Reset Button: - With the router powered on, press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds. The exact time can vary, but 10 seconds is generally sufficient for most TP-Link routers. 4. Wait for the Router to Reboot: - Release the reset button and wait for the router to reboot. This process might take a few minutes. During this time, the router will restore itself to the factory default settings. 5. Reconfigure the Router: - After the router has restarted, you will need to reconfigure it. Connect to the router’s network using a computer or mobile device. Since the router is reset to factory settings, it will broadcast the default Wi-Fi name (SSID) and accept the default password, which is usually printed on a label on the router itself. 6. Access the Router's Admin Interface: - Open a web browser and enter the default gateway address, typically or for TP-Link routers. You will be prompted to enter the default username and password, which is usually "admin" for both fields. 7. Set Up Your Preferences: - Once logged in, you can set up your network preferences, Wi-Fi password, SSID, and other settings according to your needs. Note: Performing a factory reset will erase all previous settings and configurations. You will need to set up your network again, including security settings, SSID customization, and any specific configurations you had before the reset. If these steps don't work, ensure you're following them correctly and the router is plugged into a power source. If issues persist, consulting the user manual specific to the Archer C20 for any model-specific instructions or contacting TP-Link support for assistance would be advisable.

2024-04-16 13:20:55 tag: Artikel

You can follow the steps: 1. Determine VLAN Requirements: · Decide on the VLAN ID for the cameras. · Determine how many cameras you will have and thus how many IP addresses you need. 2. Configure VLAN on Your Network Switch: · Access the management interface of your network switch. · Create a new VLAN with a specific ID just for your security cameras. · Assign ports on your switch to this VLAN where your cameras will be connected. 3. Set Up a DHCP Server: · Configure a DHCP server to manage IP addresses within this VLAN. · Specify a range of IP addresses that will be exclusive to your security cameras. 4. Configure the IP Addresses: · Set the cameras to obtain an IP address automatically via DHCP, or assign static IP addresses manually if preferred. · Ensure that these IP addresses are within the range you designated for the camera VLAN. 5. Implement Security Measures: · Configure firewall rules to restrict access to the camera VLAN from other parts of your network. · Set up ACLs (Access Control Lists) to further control traffic into and out of this VLAN. · Ensure that the cameras and the devices accessing them are using strong authentication and encryption. 6. Monitor and Test: · After setting up, monitor the traffic to ensure that only authorized devices are communicating with the cameras. · Test the setup by accessing the camera feed from authorized devices to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

2024-04-16 11:48:58 tag: Artikel

كيف اعرف كم المتبقي من الباقة

2024-04-16 05:40:56 tag: Privat IP

baganymma cara gantipaswood wf

2024-04-09 01:06:37 tag: Artikel

I have an ATT Gateway BGW 320-500 but it is not on the list am I missing it somewhere?

2024-04-03 12:17:17 tag: Artikel

سلام من پین مایکروسافت خود را فراموش کردم چگونه دستیابی مجدد پیدا کنم؟؟ سپاس

2024-04-02 06:40:25 tag: Artikel

아이폰 없이도 수사기관에서 아이폰 맥주소를 알아내어 위치 추적이나 웹사이트 접속 여부를 알 수가 있나요?

2024-04-01 22:05:06 tag: Artikel

üdv. facebook nyilvános bejegyzésnél,lehet e tudni az ip címet....onnan írják e a bejegyzést, ahol az illető tartózkodik, vagy más írja a bejegyzéseket, másik helyről?

2024-04-01 16:40:13 tag: Artikel

no me deja entrar a la página, para poder cambiar la contraseña desde el móvil

2024-03-29 10:42:34 tag: Privat IP

Il modello ZTE-H388X, conosciuto anche come TIM HUB+ ZTE H388X, utilizza di default la username "admin". La password di default, invece, è specificata sull'etichetta dietro al modem. Ogni dispositivo ha una sua password unica stampata su questa etichetta .

2024-03-29 09:50:57 tag: Router

мой адрес, ничего незаконного не производится....обвинение ложное!

2024-03-27 01:54:15 tag: Öffentliche IP

Sapete se c'è uno Username e una password di default per il modello ZTE-H388X?

2024-03-26 06:57:30 tag: Router

상세하고 명쾌한 답변 감사합니다. 그러면 아이폰의 맥주소를 수사기관이 알게 되는 경우가 어떤 경우일까요? 참고로 제 아이폰이 수사기관에 넘겨지거나 무언가 문제가 생겨서는 아니지만 미리 조심하자는 취지에사 여쭤봅니다.

2024-03-23 15:01:38 tag: Artikel

Bonjour ! Pour regarder les grands prix de Formule 1 sur la TV belge depuis la France, la solution la plus commune est d'utiliser un VPN (Virtual Private Network). Une fois le VPN activé et connecté à un serveur belge, vous pouvez accéder aux plateformes de streaming de la télévision belge via votre téléphone.

2024-03-22 14:25:15 tag: Artikel

